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Berry Popsicles

Make summer fun, refreshing and healthy with this easy berry popsicles recipe made with Nammilk hormone-free Fresh Cream and Fresh Milk Full Cream.

Product to use
Fresh Cream & Fresh Milk Full Cream
Sentra - Ok Foods:  FRESH MILK 2L N$ 39.99 [20 Mar'25 - 06 Apr'25]
Sentra - Ok Foods:  FRESH MILK 2L N$ 39.99 [20 Mar'25 - 06 Apr'25]
OK FOODS - Mini-Markets: 1L FRESH MILK N$ 18.99 [06 - 17 Nov'24]
OK FOODS - Grocers: 2L FRESH MILK N$ 39.99 [20 nov - 08 dec'24]
SHOPRITE - U-SAVE: 1L FRESH MILK N$ 18.99 [04 - 17 Nov'24]
WOERMANN coastal: 2L FRESH MILK N$ 39.99 [21 nov - 03 dec'24]
pick n pay: 1L FRESH MILK N$ 19.99 [11 - 17 Nov'24]
FOOD - LOVERS: 2L FRESH MILK N$ 41.99 [1 Oct - 30 Nov'24]


  • 2 cups frozen berry mix.
  • 1 cup Nammilk Fresh Milk Full Cream.
  • 1 cup Nammilk Fresh Cream.
  • 1 Tbsp Corn-starch.
  • 1/2 cup honey, divided.
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract.


  1. Stir together frozen berries and 1/4 cup honey in a medium saucepan.
  2. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring often, until mixture simmers and juices begin to thicken (about 5-7 minutes).
  3. Remove from heat, and let it cool completely (about 20 minutes).
  4. Mix together Nammilk Fresh Milk Full Cream, Nammilk Fresh Cream, honey, corn-starch and vanilla in a medium bowl.
  5. Divide berry mixture evenly among 4 ice pop moulds.
  6. Divide cream mixture evenly among moulds; stir gently to combine.
  7. Insert ice pop sticks, and freeze until firm (about 6 hours or preferably overnight).
  8. Serve frozen and enjoy.

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