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Creamy Cauliflower Soup

With winter in full swing, nothing is more comforting than a steamy bowl of soup. Try this filling cauliflower soup recipe, using Nammilk Fresh Cream.

Product to use
Fresh Cream
SHOPRITE & CHECKERS:  FRESH MILK 2L N$ 37.99 [6 Feb'25 - 28 Feb'25]
SHOPRITE & CHECKERS:  FRESH MILK 2L N$ 37.99 [6 Feb'25 - 28 Feb'25]
OK FOODS - Mini-Markets: 1L FRESH MILK N$ 18.99 [06 - 17 Nov'24]
OK FOODS - Grocers: 2L FRESH MILK N$ 39.99 [20 nov - 08 dec'24]
SHOPRITE - U-SAVE: 1L FRESH MILK N$ 18.99 [04 - 17 Nov'24]
WOERMANN coastal: 2L FRESH MILK N$ 39.99 [21 nov - 03 dec'24]
pick n pay: 1L FRESH MILK N$ 19.99 [11 - 17 Nov'24]
FOOD - LOVERS: 2L FRESH MILK N$ 41.99 [1 Oct - 30 Nov'24]


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil.
  • 2 large onions - peeled and chopped.
  • 3 regular heads of cauliflower outer leaves discard, chopped into small florets.
  • 5 cups (1200ml) hot vegetable or chicken stock use 3/4 stock cubes with water.
  • 3/4 teaspoon garlic salt.
  • 250 g cheddar cheese.
  • 2/3 cup (180ml) Nammilk Fresh Cream.


  1. Heat the olive oil in a large pan and fry the onion gently for 4-5 minutes until it starts to go translucent.
  2. Add in the cauliflower, stock and garlic salt.
  3. Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. After 15 minutes, take off the heat and whizz using a hand blender.
  5. Put back on the heat, add in the cheese and Nammilk Fresh Cream and stir until the cheese has melted.
  6. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Serve with a sprinkling of cheese and black pepper, garnish with parsley and voila… enjoy!

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