In the heart of this special month, we hosted a first-ever Blind Milk Tasting competition for our Namibia Dairies teams. Our team members rallied behind the iconic Nammilk brand, putting their taste buds to the ultimate, purest test. The response was overwhelming, with eager participants waiting outside for their turn.
Blindfolded, they immersed themselves in a variety of milk brands, aiming to identify the superior 'taste' difference of Nammilk. Over two rounds, 18 out of 62 employees successfully distinguished Nammilk from other brands in the Fresh Milk and UHT categories. These discerning individuals were entered into a draw for a chance to win a cash prize of N$500,00.
Congratulations to our champions of pure goodness! Kascia Newaka from Procurement at our Avis manufacturing plant won the first session on Friday, June 16, 2023, while Ermelinde Berendt from Sales at our Prosperita Headquarters emerged victorious in the second session on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.
We’ll have more blind tastings coming up, stay tuned for more details.
Nammilk - Pure Goodness.